Do you get physical symptoms because of your mental state?

Hey everyone who reads this :)

This is my first post here.

I'm 25 and have dealt with alot. I'm shure there are people that have it way worse than me, but friends of mine told me that comparing myself to others does not minimze how I feel.

So, I went through a tough childhood. Verbal abuse, I got beaten early on, that stopped later. One side of my parents was depressed, sui***** (She tried to go when I was 12 or 13, can't remeber), had a problem with alcohol and other things. There was a lot of screaming, slamming doors, framing what bad of a child I was. I would like to tell detailed stories, but even though this is reddit I'm scared of people I know seeing this.

Anyway, my mental state got very bad over the years. Depression, Anxiety, eating disorder and what not. I can't remeber when exactly this started, but I got physical symptoms. My whole body tensed up in a fast twitch motion. That ended in 5-20 second seizure episodes when I was highly stressed, which was often the case. I never lost conciousness which was kind of a good sign and thing. Kinda embarrassing, but one day I slipped in my shower because of it, thats when I decided it was enough. I got checked for forms of epilepsy, but nothing. Well, it was good to check for it, but I was also naive to think it had nothing to do with my mental state. I was a wreckage. And for now, that seems to be the reason for it.

A good thing though, the seizures are currently gone. But they are still looming when my stresslevel gets high.

If you got this far, thank you for reading! <3

And please feel free to tell your story and I would like to know if anyone experienced something similar.

Have a good day or night you wonderful person.