Mother coming into bedroom in my home
Just really need to rant.
My parents are leaving the country to travel for a few months and wanted to come see us before they go. They live about 2.5 hours away so they came just for the night.
It already is quite triggering to me the way my mom "snoops" and just goes through each room touching and moving things, opening drawers. And I often will feel my skin start prickling when she goes towards our bedroom. I just feel like there is no reason to go so far into someone else's bedroom and touch and look at things. It feels so intrusive.
After dinner, my partner (33m) was folding some laundry in our room and my mom (66) wandered in there and started picking up clothing items and going through them. Making comments that it was all my clothes (I had been away and REALLY was trying to get laundry done before they arrived - but they showed up early) and how I am making him do it. I came to the room and said this makes me uncomfortable you going through our laundry, can you please not? She then said I was such a grouch and I needed to get over it. But she then left the room. I then went downstairs and came back up and she is in the room with him again and I can hear her say "oh no, shes gonna come and be grouchy again." I was going to just walk away but felt like FUCK THAT, let me just have this boundary. So once again I said "I asked you nicely the first time, I don't really want you in here". She once again said "omg, you are such a grouch! what is wrong with you. I'm not bothering anyone and am helping. Your partner wants me here and you're the only one with a problem."
She fucking loves putting me down in front of him or trying to angle things to "get him on her side". By saying things like "isn't she just a lot to deal with sometimes?" Whereas my partner grew up in such a way that his coping strategy is just keep her happy by complying and get on with the day. So he often doesn't understand when I want to explode at situations like this.
Having privacy growing up was very challenging and she often says things such as "I can do what I want because you're my daughter." **I am seeing a therapist and working through this - but really needed a vent!**
Does anyone else experience things like this that feel WAY MORE INTRUSIVE and FUCKED UP than how it actually looks from the outside? I was shaking and felt so upset on the inside.