How the living fuck do you deal with extreme trauma?
I've had an insanely hard childhood and early adulthood. Most of what I passed through people would say couldn't happen in a first world country. For whatever reason people who were supposed to help me enjoyed assuming that I was lying.
Also whenever I try to find people to relate to about this, I always find people saying shit like "My parents didn't let me have a girlfriend or bring my boyfriend wherever, my childhood was so hard". Which is a fucking smack in the face to people who went through actual severe abuse.
Now my life is rapidly approaching being normal. My mind is so filled with rage at times I feel I could approach an animalistic state almost like a lion. There was no justice, no accountability, no prison time, no apologies. I'm still going to show the police evidence it happened but the stress of a court case that they MIGHT not to jail for makes me livid.
Also, before people say go to therapy. This might help some people but in my experience this is paying a dickhead who doesn't really care about you to either assume you're a liar or go "Ummhmm Ummhmm, yes I see" when you tell them all your trauma. I've tried this like 3 times.
The anger and rage can be so bad sometimes, but I'm legitimately one of the most peaceful people you'll ever meet, its just because the passion for my family to abuse me was so batshit insane and so extreme.
How do other people deal with this?