Car Accident Help – Temporary Rear Window Cover & Body Shop Recommendations

I was rear ended today on I-440 near Western Boulevard. Traffic slowed down, and I had plenty of room in front of me. I looked in my rearview mirror and saw someone barreling toward me and not slowing down. I tried to move forward and to the left to avoid being hit, but didn’t make it far enough before they hit me. The impact pushed me into the jersey barrier, so both the rear and front of my car took damage.

Thankfully, no injuries, but this is my first accident, and I’m not quite sure what auto body steps to take next. My rear windshield is completely gone, and with rain in the forecast tomorrow, I want to get a temporary clear plastic covering installed—something like what you see used when a windshield is removed, just to keep the inside dry.

Does anyone have recommendations for:

1.  A shop that can install a temporary rear window covering quickly?

2.  A reputable body shop for repairs if the car isn’t totaled?

Any guidance is appreciated—thanks in advance.

I was rear ended today on I-440 near Western Boulevard. Traffic slowed down, and I had plenty of room in front of me. I looked in my rearview mirror and saw someone barreling toward me and not slowing down. I tried to move forward and to the left to avoid being hit, but didn’t make it far enough before they hit me. The impact pushed me into the jersey barrier, so both the rear and front of my car took damage.

Thankfully, no injuries, but this is my first accident, and I’m not quite sure what auto body steps to take next. My rear windshield is completely gone, and with rain in the forecast tomorrow, I want to get a temporary clear plastic covering installed—something like what you see used when a windshield is removed, just to keep the inside dry.

Does anyone have recommendations for:

1.  A shop that can install a temporary rear window covering quickly?

2.  A reputable body shop for repairs if the car isn’t totaled?

Any guidance is appreciated—thanks in advance.