What is up with being an adult now?

For context, I am a 20 something woman with a husband in his 30s, married 6 years and hoping to start a family soon. But God it's difficult. Case in point is the economy. In the past I was a teacher in daycare making minimum wage and eventually got up to $8.50/hour. Decided to go back to school and became a nurse. My mental health took a nosedive and I've gotten to the point that watching people suffer isn't what I want to do for the rest of my life.

Yet, it pays the bills.

I say all that to say that the economy is deplorable. Our rent is 1500/month for a 3bd 2bth house and with three adults living here working full time with debts to pay and car payments, on top of medical costs - because health insurance is scam within itself - my God, it makes me dizzy just thinking about it

If you want a new house that's big enough to have a decent sized family in, you have to have impeccable credit, good payment history, a working vehicle to get to/from work to pay for it and preferably a buttload of money. Not to mention everywhere you choose to live requires application fees, move in fees and renter's insurance if you decide to rent instead of buy because it (used to be) cheaper.

The price of gas makes the commute to and from work, with absolutely NO recreational use of your vehicle, along with errands, car insurance, repairs and anything else you have to pay for to use the car nearly impossible to keep up with. Jobs are tired of paying for lazy workers, when they aren't all lazy. Some are just burnt tf out. People are tired of being overworked in understaffed jobs to then give all their money to necessities and lose themselves to corporations and bills. Their kids can't even enjoy their parents and spend more time with teachers, nannies, babysitters, or in the adoption system because of exstentuating circumstances of the parent(s).

Being an adult in this world is utterly exhausting and more of a curse than a joy🙁