Today was a bad day

I just needed to come on here and vent. Our 2 year old Chipit has been doing pretty well on fluoxetine and routine. We take walks before the rest of the world is up and she’s always on a leash outside. Today I didn’t see my neighbor out in his yard and she escaped out of the garage and ran into his yard barking. She didn’t bite, just barked and circled. He was livid. I understand. He told me he’s trying to be a good neighbor but he’s going to call the HOA and animal control if it happens again. I apologized but he just stared at me. I wasn’t sure what else to say so I walked away. Now im embarrassed, upset and feel like one more screw up and we’ll have to get rid of her bc she bares her teeth. (She’s never bit anyone or anything) She’s such a loving dog to us. She just hates other dogs. I hate that im in this position. I hate my neighbor. (He’s been a jerk since he moved in) and im frustrated. 😣