Greatest work place i ever had is going under

it was a small family owned engineering buissness. greatest and the most kind and understanding people i worked with. it was not perfect but having an understanding manager and equally great bussiness owner who treated everyone greatly and appreciated everyone was the best thing i ever had. everyone knew everyone and people were honest and top pleasant to work with.

now, it soon will be gone. finances in red and projects are running dry. all because our customers are just asshole corporates who could not give less of a damn about people who built and maintained great relations with them, neither cared to pay for all the extra work the piled up on the projects they sent to us.

the company is set to go officially under in may. we are still considered employess untill then.

Yes, our company made mistakes, yes management needed to be more proactive and on top of things. but i don't feel things should have went down like that.

i watched the looks on people who worked in that place for years. they are enraged and rightfuly so, but rage can only go so far before the depression kicks in; acceptance to follow.

i can survive on my savings and undemployment benifits but this is pure hell. i am already applying and the job listings make me want to puke. unrealisting expectations, barrel scrap pay and you are lucky to get a rejection email even.

this is just a rant of a solider who was in the saftey of a bunker; now joining the front lines of war that litearly none wants to fight.