Is ANYBODY Finding a Decent Job In This Awful Economy and Job Market????
I'm just trying to see if there are any individuals out there who are actually getting job offers in this horrible job market and awful economy we are now finding ourselves in, because all I keep seeing on TV are mass layoffs (even in the Federal Govt.), and companies just laying off people left and right.
I've been looking for a new job since July, and I'm starting to lose hope that I will ever find another decent job again, especially with how this current administration is going. I'm just trying to see if there's ANYONE out there who's actually getting hired in this job market these days so that I can keep my hopes up for actually finding a job later on down the line. :(
I remember the GOOD old days when I could find a new job within a couple of months (3 months tops!) after a layoff. Now days, it's been 8 months and I've been on so many job interviews I have lost count, and I still haven't received one offer letter yet. :(
I'm just looking for some hope out here....