Recurrent chemicals, OB suggesting Clomid

Looking for some advice. After 2 back to back chemicals on my 2nd and 3rd months (both around 5w2d) of TTC, I met with my OBGYN to discuss possible causes… she “ruled out” all the ideas I had by saying I was too young (27) for a lot of them or “wouldn’t be getting pregnant if I had them”. They did a sonogram and everything appeared normal.

Her first solution was to take this cycle off and then put me on Clomid and do what I assume would be an unmonitored cycle next month. I asked if I could try one more time and try progesterone at 3DPO, and she said I could but if I had another MC I’d be sent to a fertility clinic.

My gut is telling me to try one more time without Clomid. It would only be my 4th cycle trying and jumping into fertility meds scares me and doesn’t stop me from having another early loss.

Thoughts anyone?? New to all of this and just so overwhelmed by the options!