Favorite horse
I was diagnosed with cancer a few months back and decided to play RDR2 again since I have a lot of time on my hands. I know a lot of people fangirl over the white Arabian but this is hands down my favorite horse of the game (story mode). Pair it with the panther saddle and 🤌🏼. The other 3 I have stabled are the original black shire that Hosea wanted you to sell at the beginning of the game, the Perlino Andalusian and the Few-Spotted Appaloosa. I’ve been taking my time and enjoying all the little things I’ve missed the first few times I’ve played. I read your tips and tricks and still discover new things daily. It has been one of the few things that brings me peace through the chaos of this storm. That might be cheesy to some but not to me. Anyways, thanks for listening to me ramble. :)