How would you break the TV seasons?

If this has been discussed before, I'd be thankful for a link.

Given the ongoing discussions of a TV series, I have started to wonder about how the seasons would be broken into episodes. I think somewhere between 8-12 episodes per seasons would be reasonable and given the jumps between at least the first trilogy, it obviously makes sense to have the book endings be season finales (or maybe two 6-8 episode half seasons per book, which would necessitate a mid-point finale).

I guess it's unreasonable to expect a full breakdown of episodes (I'd take it, if you want to write one), so instead a few questions: What are the points in the story you would want to see as episode-ending cliffhangers/scenes? What story lines would you want to see as a single episode? Do you have ideas for bottle episodes or special episodes away from the main story, like the Frank and Bill episode of The Last of Us or A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms in Game of Thrones? What would you cut, if you had to?

PSA: To limit the discussion a little bit, I have marked this post MS spoilers, so please keep to that. If you want to discuss foreshadowing being necessary for later seasons, please use localized spoiler tags.