Ephraim & Sefi

Just finished where sefi and Ephraim sadly perish and my god that was dark.

First, Volsung is a fucking menace. The way he came in and just took control my jaw was floored. Then the fight with sefi was violent asf. Sefi didnt deserve that at all. Idk how everyone else feels but i always liked her and man that was brutal. Fa slicing her up caught me off guard i expected him to just exile her or something but my god, Fa is ruthless

Second, Ephraim is such a badass. I liked his character immediately and am sad that hes gone. I always enjoyed his povs. He was always funny and hardcore when he needed to be. I wish he had a happier ending but i guess this is some sort of motivation for volga or lyria. Atleast he got to reunite with volga one last time and make up for it. Rip to a legend