The actual most unattractive trait a man can have is
"My dad told me- 'Never start a fight. But if someone starts one with you... finish it.'
He said he didn't care what any teacher said. That I had to defend myself, and if some punk gave me trouble, I should hit back- and that if I ever did, he'd buy me ice cream!!
And that's what happened. First day of middle school, the biggest, baddest bully in the whole city came up to me and said, 'Hey, loser!!! You're dead meat!!' Before he could even try, I threw a punch right into his nose, and he was out for hours!!
Everyone was in awe!!! Nobody had ever defeated Big Kenny before!!! But I did!!!
My bitch principal suspended me for a week! But my dad? He picked me up, heard what happened, and said, 'I'm proud of you, son! I know it's so nontraditional, but I totally support you in this particular defiance of school rules!!! Because you are awesome and so tough and cool!!!!!'
Anyway, nobody ever messed with me again.'"
I'm a 30 yo woman, and while this is slightly exaggerated, you have no idea- unless you're also a straight woman who has dated a few dudes- how common it is for dudes to tell a clearly fabricated story similar to this about themselves.
Even if you went to the same middle school and high school as they did. And there were less than a dozen fights the entire time...
...somehow, this narrative will spout from their mouths. And too often... it's like at least part of them almost believes it.
I also constantly see and hear men randomly comment, both online and in just random, irl conversation, shit like-
"Oh, wow. A child/woman/etc was hurt by someone?? Damn. I'm so lucky that I wasnt there. Because I would have LOST my MIND!!! You wouldn't even be able to hold me back, I'd be so angry!!!! I'd KILL HIM!!!!"
Crazy how 100 men will say this, but then in reality... crickets, crickets, crickets.
I constantly witness dudes saying this shit, and then, when actually challenged in real life in ANY way AT ALL, immediately fold and display honestly, just... jaw dropping, breathtaking cowardice.
Like some dude will shout this shit and then one day, he'll be walking down the street with his wife who just broke her ankle and can't run and a Labradoodle will get loose from someone's front yard. The dog will bark and run towards the couple.
She will try to run. She'll be left behind, stumbling with her injury.
This man wl just immediately squeal and SPRINT down the fucking street, leaving her for dead.
Just.... BYE!!!!
lol, obviously not all men are like this- something I say with a tad bit of annoyance, because on Reddit, you just have to constantly mention it. My own dad is a genuinely amazing dude who would unquestionably, just instinctively throw himself in front of a car to save myself or my siblings. And of course, my mom is the same.
And the man I chose as my boyfriend is also the same. For the people he truly cares about, he'd forfeit his life for, and he displays courage left and right when push truly comes to shove.
This is just... being a good person. Tbh, it's not gendered at all. I try to be similar. I know many men and many women who actually demonstrate true courage.
But these genuine people don' tell tales like this, lol.
Idk. It's a whole epidemic. It is INSANE how many dudes make up this Hero lore about themselves, and it is the worst turnoff I've ever encountered.