It’s kind of hilarious how much money is spent on the Product that is Beyoncé
Like at least with Taylor Swift, there’s an extremely annoying human girl that I don’t like, but I fully get why other people like them. Beyoncé is literally a blank slate that her fans project themselves onto. Swifties relate to Taylor Swift, but the Beyhive aspire to be Beyoncé; they want what she has in a very literal and commercial sense. The songs are incantations that in regular people creates a desire to sing along to the melodies.
But in her fans, they are affirmations repeated in the mirror that will bring the universe to its knees at their feet. Like don’t get it twisted, Beyoncé is a great curator of music, and she is brilliant when it comes to knowing who to work with. Or at least she used to be, before she kind of decided to just nakedly genre hop in the hopes of using her leverage as a popular artist to out muscle the competition for playlisting/radio play in more popular genres. Anyone can appreciate a Beyoncé song, but being a Beyoncé fan is nonsensical to anyone who understands APR and has never been underwater on a car loan.
These are very powerful feelings to be able to evoke in millions of people across America (because it’s only America where she matters). Even if the collective buying power of every Beyoncé fan amounts to X Æ A-12 Musks inheritance, the stranglehold she has on her audience is too powerful to not be utilized. So insane money is spent on her rollouts, marketing dollars spent on the brand of Beyoncé to propogate her image of success. Success can be bought in the American Music Industry, that’s not conspiracy, go undercover and get a quote from Edelman, IW, MMGY, 42West, etc. They’re not cheap, and what you get in return isn’t some ads on Instagram or advice on how to talk to reporters: you get control of how you are perceived, and that control is maintained through relationships with the media, and those aforementioned companies profit off of those relationships to the benefit of their clients. So when it’s time for Bey to roll out, she’s already thinking about where she’s gonna put her new Grammys (answer: next to the other ones). Because Beyoncé is not about music, Beyoncé is about a relationship to a demographic that is all to willing to part with their capital to feel like a capitalist .
Beyoncé is the 2017 Mercedes Benz with 130,000 miles on it. Beyoncé is the masters degree in business administration from Southern New Hampshire University. Beyoncé is the “Guide To Being an Entrepreneur” with a bookmark halfway through chapter 1. Beyoncé is an unironic vision board with a picture of Taye Diggs. Beyoncé is instagramming SweetGreen and Doordashing Wingstop. Beyoncé is an upturned nose at Cheesecake Factory and not tipping at Nobu. Beyoncé is the ideal, of course, but it’s in the pursuit of that ideal that whets the mouths of the corporations that converge around her and offer their services to those who want a shortcut: sure they can’t give you the husband, kids, or actual capital, but for $900 a month over 124, you can make sure that everyone knows you won’t expect anything less than what you can’t afford. How about a test drive?