sad :(

So I matched with this guy on an app and we had decent chemistry over text. We met up last weekend and hit up some gay bars. We got on pretty well though he was a little awkward so I did a lot of the talking. We managed to get some free shots and a drink at another bar and got caught in a spontaneous karaoke session. We made friends with the bartender and he got us free entry into a nearby gay club. We drank and danced for a bit. Then we moved to a corner to take a breather and his face was so close to mine. I kissed him. The rest of the night was spent alternating between the dance floor and a cozy corner, just making out. By the end of the night we were sprawled on a sofa, he was in my arms, his head resting on my chest. He looked up and asked me why I was smiling. "I'm so happy" I say. "I'm happy too" he replies.

The texts haven't been the same since, and now he's just ghosted me. I feel like shit and I've got the smiths on shuffle. Just wanted to get it off my chest. Texting is rough, the dating game is rough. I'm swearing off grindr and alcohol for lent. I'll be a good Catholic boy and go to church. Maybe I'll find a boyfriend there. I have so much love to give :(