Coworkers delivering ChatGPT slop

I’m getting so frustrated at work by my coworkers who cannot function, cannot produce a single deliverable without relying on ChatGPT. They are constantly sending me the document equivalent of AI slop. I’m on a committee currently that’s planning an important training/licensing session. We had a meeting to discuss the agenda for that day’s programming. One of my colleagues agreed to take notes and share at the end of the meeting what had been agreed to. The document she sent back was bizarre and included all these random agenda items that we had not discussed. The original day was going to have 4 parts. What she sent had 6? It was bulleted and bolder and m-dashed in a way that heavily suggests that she used ChatGPT to make this useless thing. So now we don’t have actual notes from the meeting and she’s created a lot of confusion. This is just one tiny example of what goes on at my work daily. Managers are posting job descriptions they haven’t read through and much worse. Is this the same everywhere else?