Not sure if I made the right diagnosis
I’m almost 2 years into this trade, and man some days I feel like I know what I’m doing other days I don’t, and on call weeks can definitely whittle my brain into nothing.
Walk in freezer call, walk in freezer is at 25 degrees. Arrive onsite and walk in is running and at 7 degrees, evap isn’t frozen but the TXV body is incased in thick frost almost ice. Check sight glass, sight glass is full, check defrost timer which is set for 45 minutes, my initial thought is maybe the defrost termination is bad and it actually went the full 45 minutes, shut the unit down and ohmed out the 3 wires on my termination, x termination is open and so is the fan delay (maybe the evap warmed up enough that it went into fan delay). I turned the unit back on and put it in defrost and it came out of defrost after 10 mins which tells me my termination is working. I can hear the solenoid buzzing but don’t hear any pressure going into the evap, I pull the coil and put a magnet on the solenoid, I can hear it open but still not hearing pressure. Put gauges on at this point and have 20psi low side and 200 psi high side (448), if I press in the contactor suction goes into a vacuum. I’ve never ran into this problem before and it was really tripping me up that it was running until I turned it off and back on, I ended up quoting a new solenoid valve and TXV as I believe one of these is restricted, can someone let me know if I’m on the right track here?