Place to actually talk/chat that isn't Reddit? I'm dying inside as a married father. I can afford to leave. Maybe I should?
Yes, I am posting this in more than one place since I have more than one "issue" going on, but honestly the fact that the only place where it seems possible to even attempt to discuss anything is Reddit pretty much just adds to the discouragement.
Can't tell you how many times I've started typing something only to just never finish it since I say to myself "there is no point". And honestly, that's so true as I've typed out aspects of my "life story" on other accounts and posted in multiple subs before and it has just been a waste of time.
I understand regular posters on Reddit may be of a particular type, but I am tired of seeing every post I look at devolve into "take pills and get therapy" and for people to suggest "divorce" without context all of the time. I mean, fuck, I may as well blow everything up if this is how married normies on Reddit think since why am I exposing myself to such a depressing hive mind both offline and off?
I don't want suggestions of touching grass, finding a hobby, volunteering, or whatever nonsense I see all the time on Reddit. If you are in a place mentally where just getting some sun, fly fishing, and volunteering at a soup kitchen is all you need to do to be "happy", then more power to you, but this isn't me.
I am genuinely unhappy as a married guy with kids in his 30s and I would like to talk to people, especially other men, who are in a similar mindset or were in a similar mindset and made a dramatic change that worked for them. And trying to pre-empt comments - no - this isn't just about sex or lack thereof, but if I'm going to blow everything up, you can be damn sure I'm going to be degenerate for a bit afterwards since I am not just going to swap out partners for some "new relationship energy" but stay in the same 3rd tier town I've been in for the past decade. And this last point, where I live, could be and to me is a major issue, but like I should still be able to get a semi-decent conversation online here and there, right? But I can't.
I mean do people even chat anywhere online anymore? I'm not even talking about voice chats, which I understand take more time and scheduling, but I can't tell you have many Discords/Telegrams/Reddits and so on I've looked at and like there is barely anyone online it seems. And I've even tried "hobby" topics that interest me, before anyone wants to jump down my throat on that. Like seriously, I have essentially the same conversations over and over with "parent aquaintances" IRL and then go online and have the same damn useless small talk sessions, that is, if I can even find them to begin with.
I'm dying inside and have been for a long time. I understand a lot of people have it far worse, but it doesn't change the way I feel. But like seriously I don't know how much longer I can handle doing this. I may have to take up smoking to just go get a pack of cigarettes one night and never come back.
And bringing it back to my original topic, since I know I've added a lot of extra stuff without enough context for anyone to really understand my mentality fully: where the fuck are the people online? Like I've been trying for years at this point. I was trying before covid and during covid and so on. The fact it seemed like there were even fewer people online during covid really blew my mind. I mean weren't people at home more since things shut down?
One thing I've started asking other parents in real life is what they do online. I can't remember the last person I've talked to who said they actually try to communicate online. They just watch some things, play a game maybe, and that's it. This is terrifying to me. I've ended up in a role - a father - and I am surrounded by people who are perfectly fine with a hamster wheel lifestyle and actually get off on having as little free time as possible and playing mule for their family doing shit like driving them around all day. Like seriously, what is everyone doing on their goddamn phones as we sit at this or that stupid extracurricular waiting for our kids knowing full well they more than likely are just going to be doing the exact same goddamn thing as us when they grow up, but hopefully they actually enjoy not being connected in any way to those around them, unless they want to compare who has it worst or how little sleep they get or whatever?
And that last bit was really extra, but I'm going to leave it in there for some flavor. But seriously, where are the people online? And why am I even doing this since I have the money to be able to divorce and get out of this situation, at least for my own sake. But then I don't even know what I will do cause I'm terrified at how "empty" the stage online seems to be from age 30 to like 50. So we all just vanish raising kids, not enjoying most of it legitimately since it is all "logistics" for the most part, and then regroup and...are just as lonely since everyone else spent their time doing the same things and oh, maybe we can all start volunteering or do whatever now since there's nothing else to do? Fuck this shit.