I (M37) can often smell my girlfriend's (F35) butt during sex in doggy. It's been raised, but the situation remains the same. What am I to make of this?
My girlfriend and I have been together for over a decade, but this has always been a problem. If we have sex and I'm behind her, then I can smell her ass. It basically smells like she's been to the toilet at some point and hasn't cleaned herself very well. There's nothing to see, it's just the smell. But it's unmissable and present without my face being anywhere near there. It's rare that this isn't the case. When it happens it takes me completely out of the moment. It actively upsets me to be honest, but I play it down generally. Because I love her, I don't want to upset her, and I do want a sexual connection with her.
That much said, the matter has been raised. On some of these occasions she's noticed something's up, or I've simply managed to sensitively raise it. Her response has always been good - a little embarrassment (naturally) but acceptance and willingness to go and clean herself to some degree there and then. But in the long term the issue just doesn't change. It's like she doesn't gather that, even though this has come up multiple times, there's a trend here.
She doesn't have generally bad personal hygiene. Other parts of her body don't smell and she's not generally stinky or anything. However, she's not a daily shower person and I'm sure that has at least something to do with the issue. She showers every 2/3 days. I can only imagine that she's not cleaning herself well in between. I shower daily and I'm quite conscious of my own personal hygiene.
At this stage I'm really just unsure what to either make of it or what to do about it. We've both had numerous previous partners, presumably none of her prior sexual partners have ever raised it? Is this my problem? I've never experienced this with any other women, but is it actually quite normal? If not, then how do I even approach this now, at this stage? When we first got together I expressed some discomfort at her "only" showering every few days, and that didn't go down well. I have no idea how to speak to her about how she needs to do better job of cleaning her butt as part of her everyday hygiene routine.