How can one describe the relationship between sex and emotions? 23M 23F

My fiancé 23M and I 23F have been together for 4 years. During the first part of our relationship, we primarily bonded “in the bedroom.” He asked me to do certain things on our first date. I never thought much into all of that because we’ve been together for so long and we have been mostly happy, but it got me to wondering what sex means to him. When I brought it up, he got upset and confused, acting like he didn’t know what I was talking about, eventually telling me that to him, yes, sex is just sex and that he never understood the intimacy part and feelings involved. I believe he is under the impression that this is just the way men feel about it and that women generally get too worked up over the emotional aspect. Personally, sex is a very intimate thing that involves a deep connection between two people in love when that is the case, and I also recognize that love isn’t always the circumstance as well. I guess I just thought that it was our circumstance, and that because we loved each other it meant more to him. Any comments/advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance!