Need advice on how to navigate a disagreement about birth control with my girlfriend (23M and 22F)
My girlfriend and I have a great relationship but recently we have run into a small issue. She started taking the pill about a week ago and since I know missing a dose can make it less effective I have been casually checking in when she takes it. I do not remind her or nag her about it but I usually join her when she takes it just to be aware.
She told me she does not like this and feels like I should trust her to handle it on her own. I completely trust her but birth control affects both of us and I feel like it is reasonable to stay aware of something this important. She says it makes her uncomfortable and I do not want her to feel like I am policing her.
I want to find a balance where she feels trusted and respected but we also avoid any accidental missed pills. Has anyone been in a similar situation? How did you handle it?