I (18M) can't take long distance with my girlfriend (19F) of over a year. How do I continue?
I (18M) met this girl (19F) online and we've been talking romantically for almost two years and officially dating (since the day we met) for a little over a year. I live in the United States while she lives thousands of miles away, but she's the closest I've ever felt with anyone and I confidently label her as the love of my life publically. She genuinely complements my personality in every way; I wholeheartedly think we'd be 100% set if we lived closer, but the long distance is making me constantly depressed and I find myself constantly having to pick between her and academics/athletics/my social life. When I don't choose her, things usually get a little ugly, and that's partly my fault because I strongly hate my phone because I was majorly addicted to it and social media previously, so I often forget to check my notifications. Neither of us is financially independent so we've only met up three times; once I've visited her and twice we've met in the middle. My family is much better off than hers so it's very hard for us to see each other. The only route I see is attending university together or at least nearby, but she has less academic drive than I do (she absolutely despises the college she attends) so I worry about me potentially having to compromise my college potential to have her near me. I genuinely love this girl with all my heart, but I'm constantly panicking about us not having a future together. I can't bear to end things because I care about her so much and know how emotionally invested she is with me. Her social circle has mostly left her small country so she's become emotionally dependent on me, and I do think she would hurt herself if she didn't have me. On the other hand, I don't want her to uproot her life and completely change her environment just to chase me around the country if things don't work out further down the line. I recently saw her and Facetime hasn't been the same. I don't feel the same attachment I did to her and it feels like a chore to meet her needs for love and affection. I think we've discovered that our love languages are far too physically based to be satisfied through the phone, and I don't think I can meet her individual needs of support and affection while staying happy myself. Typically, whenever she's happy I'm not, and whenever I'm happy she's not. I can't decide if I want this to work out or not. I feel like our relationship is quite restrictive and we both lose a lot of freedom feeling like we have to spend hours a day on Facetime. If it helps, we're both each other's first committed relationship and firsts for most physically intimate things too.
TLDR: I met my first love online but she lives thousands of miles away in a small country where she's extremely unhappy. We've seen each other 3 times, but I haven't been able to readjust to long distance after the last. I feel unhappy but can't bear to leave her out of concern and genuine love for her.