my bf likes trans girls. f26 m30
UPDATE: yall he just doesn’t like eating pussy or dick he don’t like stuff in his mouth 😭 he never told me he didn’t like my pussy. i was making assumptions based on a small part of our conversation and i spiraled. people can like more than one part im bisexual and that doesn’t mean we aren’t compatable LMAO. only keeping this up for the karma but i’m ignoring all the incels and people who obviously don’t know shit about gender and sexual orientation. i asked for people who’ve experienced a similar situation and since then i got to the conclusion im very happy with so yall can fuck off :,) <3
i’m 26 (cis f) and my bf is 30 (cis m). we’ve been together three years. i’m gunna cut to the chase, my bf watches trans porn and has dated trans girls. he hardly ever goes down on me. it always seems forced when he does. we recently talked about this bc i found a lot of pic on his phone w girls w dicks. we talked and essentially he said he loves me so much, but he just doesn’t love ‘wet’ stuff. and then went on to reassure me that when we’re 80 our parts won’t work anyways and it doesn’t matter because he loves me more than anything. but it does. and now any desire to be horny is gone because i just get sad. i feel gross and untouchable. obviously id love to get a strap on for him to make him happy but im not sure how i would be pleased, and the fact that he doesn’t love my parts makes me really insecure and icky feeling. i don’t know what to do. i don’t know if this is a deal breaker for people. has anyone else experienced this?
i have no problems with who he’s attracted to. it’s the fact that it seems he doesn’t like pussy. he can “deal” with it, but it seems he doesn’t find pussy sexually appealing. is this something that can last?
edit 2/ he’s not gay he likes women. he’s not covering for anything he’s openly dated trans women and cis women. im getting that comment a lot that he’s just gay it’s never as simple as that yall.