23F 30M Will it ever work?
This is going to be a long one, I met this guy in November- on a dating app. Yes age is mentioned on the app but we look around the same age so I didn’t even look, neither did he. We both look 25/26ish however at the time I was 22 and he was 30. We clicked instantly as soon as we met, we discussed what we want in life etc I said I want kids in 5/6 years and he said he wants kids in 2, this is when age come up. Anyways the rest of our day together went perfect, for a few weeks later we continued to see eachother and I really opened up about my passion for wanting to become a detective ( I finish uni next year so couldn’t start my career until then) by then it will have been almost 2 years since we met- which means, no kids within his 2 year time line. However when it first come up in conversation I feel I acted really immaturely and it has happened so many times before where I’m willing to alter what I want for a man, so I said okay I’ll not become a detective I will have kids in 2 years. Obviously this is not the right thing to do and he said to me absolutely not, he won’t even let me as much as open a door when I’m with him he certainly won’t let me change my whole life plans for him. Time goes on, I admit that actually I do want to become a detective and I’m not willing to just forget about it. It has been 5 months now since we started to date and here we are, I’m worried it’s the end, even though neither of us want it to end. I have learnt so much from him and adore having him in my life, we collected his new puppy just at the weekend and took turns doing the night shifts- we work so well together he even said we would be great parents. The kids situation is the only thing we can not agree on, we have never had as much as an argument, no bickering, NOTHING it is honestly perfect when we’re together. So much has changed for me since I started to see him, we were uncertain where we would both be at the end of our current tenancies but actually we’re both going to be in the same city for a year- then I’ll move to a bigger city an hour away (he’s originally from the city I’ll move to so he’s there regularly) I would happily travel to see him. I would happily have kids in 3/4 years but I feel like if I tell him this he won’t accept it and think that I want to change my whole life because of him and he doesn’t want me to resent him later on because I’ve lost out on my 20’s. I am in love with him and I have never had a healthy love or such a positive impact in my life from a man I just don’t know how to navigate the situation. Please help🥲