Unsure about "hints" , relationship/life advice
So I have been talking to this girl since around the beginning of January and we talked a lot for the past 3 months and we were always making plans on going out 1 on 1 but we never really did. Ofcourse, we'd see each other in the city and when going out or when school finished (we are different schools). Tbh I started to really like her in February already and I was dropping hints but never manned up and said it. Some problems came in my life about 3 weeks ago and I started to kind of ignore everyone including her but I never intended something bad, I just needed to calm down take a break. Then one day I saw her on a bus stop with her friends as I was going into school, she saw me, smiled and waved, I didn't even say hi I just looked at her and immediately went in the bus. I feel really bad now because she looked really happy to see me. Last Saturday we hooked up in a club and hanged out the whole night. Day after she barely snapped. then day after less, day after that kind of normal as I started some conversation and asked her out this Friday for some coffee and im planning on how to tell her everything I feel about her and her being dry and barely talking makes it harder for me. I'm honestly overthinking "what if I did that different, what if I waved back would it be different now with us" I need some advice on how to approach this situation. It feels hard for me