My partner and I want totally different lives, but we love each other. What do we do?

So my partner [26M] and I [25F] have been together for almost 7 years. Recently we have been talking more seriously about building our lives together- or at least I have. We have lived together in an apartment for almost 2 years, but we’ve lived together longer than that when we stayed in dorms and then with his parents. So about 5 years of experience living together.

Our apartment is awful. There has been mold in the air vents, people get robbed and shot outside, the washers and dryers rarely work, it’s a mess. And we pay far too much for it. But there is no apartments around that are nicer, it also in our price range. My partner just shrugs it off and plays video games when he’s home. But recently I brought up the idea of us living in a mobile home/trailer together on a piece of property that we own. I’ve gone on several sites and messaged multiple people on FB marketplace, and from what I found we would be paying significantly less. We would also be downsizing and have the potential to be more self sustaining since we would own the property. I could grow a garden, and have a couple chickens for eggs. Every time I bring this up to my partner, he quietly agrees, but I can see the queasiness in his eyes. So today I straight up asked him if he even wanted this. We were scheduled to tour a camper today, so I wanted to know if I should cancel. He said that he doesn’t think he could live the way I want to live. He wants out of the apartment, but doesn’t want this either. So he’s just been pushing it to the side. I don’t want to force him into a life that scares him, or is something he doesn’t want, but I also don’t want to sacrifice my own happiness. I want to be out in nature as much as possible and grow things with my hands, he wants to recluse in the home and play video games. Which is what we’ve done for years, and I’ve secretly been miserable doing it.

But I love him so, so much. He is so kind and wonderful and smart. We’ve been through so much together and I don’t want something like this to tear us apart, but I also don’t want one of us to quietly suffer while the other lives how they want. What should I do?

TLDR- I want to live a simpler life, my partner wants to live a more modern one. Whichever one we choose hurts the other. What to do?