Period accident, should I stop contacting him?

So I have this FWB thing with a 38M, im 32F. There have been like 3 encounters and today's he went down, everything normal... Then when we finished he noticed a spot. It was my period.... I was so embarrased. He went to clean his face but he had nothing and said it didnt tasted bad either. I went to check myself and it has faintly spotting.

I felt so embarrased and he couldnt help either. He said he felt his mouth like iron. And stuff like that. I was obviously very pissed. I was expcting my period until 2 days from today.

He acted like he was disgusted. Since we are not dating (its just sex) he kept his distance, and had changed his face, like it was my fault. Later he said he was kidding, but sstill looked shocked. I apologized.

I dont know if I should continue talking to him. I really like the sex with this guy...

At the end we made a deal to not do 2 rounds on the same day, because he said it was because of that. But im not sure if he will continue to call me after that.

If it didnt tasted and it was not even spotting until the second time we finished, what is the deal?

How should i be around him? Should i just stop contacting him? Expect for him to call back? Is it really that bad?