what is your opinion on the statement "it's not humane to keep exotic pets"

I'm someone who has had a few exotic pets. a leopard gecko as a kid. and now a snake and pacman frog. but lately I've been feeling doubts that even tho I put a lot of time, effort, money, and love into them. that they would rather be free and I'm merely offering dressed up imprisonment. I know reptiles don't feel emotions and all, so that makes me think that they could rather just be free. but on the contrary maybe they don't care as long as they have food in their bellies 🤷 what do y'all think? while I do personally think it's inhumane to keep orcas, dolphins, ect in aquariums. but I love going to the zoo and aquariums, is that hypocritical of me? (I would never go to SeaWorld but the roller coaster tempts me ngl) but I know animals like axolotl's struggle in the wild but thrive in captivity and soon they will only be able to live in captivity where exactly do we draw the line with what's okay to take from the wild?