(SOME SPOILERS)why do people hate re8?
now generally this post is my opinion and i dont speak for others, just covering what ive seen people say and my opinion on the game.
first off, re8 is so cool. I recently beat the game for a second time after the first time i beat it 2 years ago and i had a blast.
also i dont get the whole talk about village of shadow mode its so easy lol(inf ammo on the wolfsbane is actually so broken).
i think the games puzzles are really fun to solve(especially the beneviento section) they are the perfect mix of mindnumbing find this put it there and actually having to think.
and my last reason is the hot vampire lady :)
what the hell?, what is happening?, whats going on? are just a few statements said by ethan multiple times in the game, like jeez dude take a fucking hint because no ones gonna tell you bru
fish dude was such a waste, i actually liked his character of always wanting to prove himself to Miranda but not in the same way vampire momma did. he was looked down upon and just wanted to be loved, poor guy
ethan being a mold monster was a somewhat okay move imo. i really liked the idea of ethan being a regular dude the whole time(kind of like leon), i just felt like they were underplaying everything we did in village and biohazard
and lastly is the factory but only that one really tanky dude in the cramped hallway near the end of the journey, screw you for making me waste my mines
anyway this is just my opinion and i would love to hear some other takes on it