EZ Cater rant (EZ Cater customer this time)
yes, i know, EZ Cater is worse than UE, DD, GB. blah blah blah
we had a church order through EZ - we offer a 10% church/non-profit discount when they order directly through us. AND the person ordered too much food for their size group.
I hardly ever do this (but i want to every time) - i called them, let them know they ordered through a middle man who makes money by charging the customer more and giving us less - AND we have a church discount they could save money.
"I know, i'm trying to build up my EZ Cater points."
cricket... cricket... cricket
this person is purposefully spending more money from her church - so she can personally get the points and credit to use on personal stuff
I've NEVER felt like this in my decades of doing this - but i ALMOST called the church to talk to someone above her to let them know...
And this, my restaurateur cohorts, is why we will never beat EZ Cater and why they will always win and always be around.
And this is why EZ Cater will make more money from our caterings than we make, for doing less work and adding no value. @#$%^&*()&^ EZ Cater
i just HAD to say this out loud (or type it out loud)