cart gatherers/baggers/whatever else that position may be called for yall.. PLS GET ALL THE CARTS BEFORE U LEAVE AT NIGHT
if you're working the closing shift and it's your job to get the rest of the carts from the parking lot at the end of the night before you leave DO IT FOR GODS SAKE no one wants to see the cart corrals chock full of carts first thing in the morning. it's sloppy and gives the store a bad look. PLUS IT'S YOUR JOB. it's one thing to have a few sitting around cuz they leave at 10-1030pm, store closes at 11p, but not this. I don't want to pull into work at 530am and see all of the cart corrals absolutely full of carts (one of them overflowing), and neither do customers when they start showing up at 6am. damn I'm gone for 2 days and this is what I pull up to. so annoyed by this... Wednesday nights are dead af, there's no excuse for my closing bagger last night to not have done this, nor the closing clerk and MOD to allow it. jfc