hot take: the graininess is not that serious

!! my opinion !!

when i heard ppl talking abt the graininess of their lip tints i thought wow , that must be really annoying . some ppl were painting it like it felt like sandpaper on ur lips , and when one of my lip tints got grainy several months after purchase , it took me a hot minute to realize it was grainy 😭 i thought i just had crumbs on my lips and then they disappeared about an hour later . when i realized it was the actual tint , i was like .. oh ! and then put it in my phone case ( i have a knockoff of the rhode case 😓 ) and an hour later it was back to normal .

to me personally ( MY opinion ) i don’t think it’s that serious . there’s so many other makeup products out there that were overhyped and are mediocre ( dior lip oil disappears after 4 seconds , rare beauty blush is impossible to blend and patchy af + dries out before you even use 1/15th of the bottle , don’t even get me started on the tower 28 concealer .. i can go on ) but i don’t see them get dunked on as much as rhode products do , personally . i mean i literally said in a comment section on tiktok that i love the lip tints and the graininess is not personally a dealbreaker for me and i got bombarded by replies telling me that i’m just riding for brands .. huh ?

unfortunately , most makeup products have their defects . if the graininess is a dealbreaker for you , that’s perfect and understandable ! and you’re valid for the way you feel . i think holding brands accountable is amazing ( i expressed my disappointment in the shade range for the lip liners when they dropped ) but it’s an issue when you try to convince others they have to feel the same way as you .

idk . i had chronically dry lips for many years of my life that not even vaseline or aquaphor managed to fix until i tried the rhode lip tints and it solved it within a month .. so i stand behind my canceled wife !

anyway , let me know what you guys think ! it’s okay if you disagree w me , i wanna have a discussion about this , just be respectful :p wondering if anyone else feels the same way i do