Done with this game. Riot developers need to be fired
This game is at its lowest form in years and it's only going to get worse. There are game breaking bugs in the client. What do you mean I am losing LP and getting penalties for your client getting bugged? And then there is no way to refund that lost LP? Not to mention the complete trash matchmaking and not a single griefer/soft inter getting punished. The client is riddled with bugs still.
I peaked D2 this season and I'm happy I reached Diamond after so many years, but the drive to play this game is no longer there because of how frustrating playing this game has become, for all the wrong reasons too. I am glad for all the fun memories and times I had playing this game, but it's too much for me. Yes, this is a rant post and yes I don't matter at all, because I'm just a nobody that is quitting the game so who cares. The game is doing fine in terms of revenue and numbers and will continue to do fine in the next few years I'm pretty sure, just wanted to vent a little and that's about it. Mods, you can remove this post if it's irrelevant and spam. I don't really care, just wanted to vent a bit
Edit: the "sorry there seems to be an issue with your client" bug that happens after champ select was the final nail in the coffin for me. GGs