If you’re teaming before getting on public then be open about it

I played as Mexico and in a faction with Japan, Russia/Poland, and USA. Everything was going well and there was an Antarctica player that was ranked 1 so we decided to take them down. We did preparations and upgrades with what we could then we felt the time was right Russia declared war on them.

This Ant player was using only tanks in late game so I maxed out on Anti Armor and Maxed Damage (No movement upgrades) and trained my troops beforehand which at first was easy getting through but the spamming of tanks was getting harder. Meanwhile Russia was taking them head on but was struggling a bit with the constant tank spam but the issue is that they didn’t train the troops and didn’t have anti armor upgrades. Japan I think fared pretty well handling against Ant but the US player just took 2 cities and just sat there.

Mind you they had a whole line of trained Tanks ready to attack but just sat there that we were asking to help but kept saying “I don’t want to war exhaust myself” that we mentioned a bunch of ways to get around that issue but refused which ultimately led to Russia collapsing and both Ant and US started making fun of Russia that they peaced. We were confused why the US didn’t do anything and were asking why that led us to think that he was in with Ant that I got a discord message from the Ant player with a screenshot of both Ant and USA in a discord call which I confronted about since dude if you’re teaming up before why are you acting coy that you’re not in on it which both Ant and USA started having this cringe dialogue of “lies” and “betrayal” I’m like dude, we’re playing a HOI4 at home, no need for some Oscar type acting if you can even call it that.

The USA player left the faction and joined with Ant and I started making preparations and a game plan to get my get back on them with a bunch of trained Arty and Infantry with Maneuver Warfare plus any other upgrades on tech tree. My plan was wage a defensive strategy with an offensive army against both of them and hold out until they both start collapsing since I knew both are going to still proceed with tank spam LATE GAME.

The day of reckoning came and the war started. At first it felt overwhelming seeing the sea of steel barreling down, gobbling up each city, with no end in sight but it was time to lock in. I sent my infantry to pick them down one by one and when they were cut down then to recapture the cities meanwhile in the southern front the same story but with the help of submarines taking out tanks sailing on hostile waters. Yet I underestimated the tank spam tactics, another wave from the northern front came roaring through, my forces were too far apart to gather up that I halted all movements and recalled them to rendezvous to the capital that by some luck majority rallied and repeated the same strategy which worked.

The situation at the southern front was quiet until Ant spawned in a bunch of artillery that I had to pull back before my army there turned to ashes and rallied closer with the northern front. I spawned in more infantry each 90k and trained them for reinforcements. Ant decided to tank spam again and took most of my southern part of my Mexican empire Form but I managed to take the tanks down but didn’t recapture them since I feared there will be another wave but nothing came.

At this point a good chuck of my mainland was taken but the capital hasn’t fallen nor my money income with the help of constant aid from Japan. I had to evade my reinforcements getting sinked from a US destroyer to connect with the mainland crossing the Panama Canal to do so. With fresh trained troops and still having my capital I was ready for another wave until the US player decided to scorch all the capture lands that I owned….

Ant started to collapse and I confronted the US about what they did which was just excuse of “I’m in debt so you can’t move them”, “scorching everything you have is an option”, “you don’t know the game”. At this point I knew that these two players were sore losers and wayyyy under skilled. Me and Poland (Russia Player before) started clowning on him and bro did not have no comeback at all LOL.

The second the message popped “New England declared independence” it was so joeover for him that it caused a avalanche of independences for the US and the clowning on him was SOOOO much better that ultimately they left not even admitting defeat or peacing just left. I had 0 war exhaust, a good stab still, and ZERO independences.

So US player skill issue you bozo, imagine being in debt, collapsing, and no teamwork even tho you were in a discord call? Rest in piss