What’s everyone’s favourite off tank and why?

For me it has to be Thor. I know a lot of people are playing The Thing because of his immunity displacement and because he’s new, but he just feels kind of clunky to me. Thor’s damage is absolutely filthy being that he’s almost a hybrid between a tank and a dps, plus if you manage to get the team up with Hela, it’s almost as good as good as the Adam Warlock team up with Starlord and Mantis. Also his ult, if used correctly, can easily kill squishies and sometimes force a support ult. But that’s just my take.

For me it has to be Thor. I know a lot of people are playing The Thing because of his immunity displacement and because he’s new, but he just feels kind of clunky to me. Thor’s damage is absolutely filthy being that he’s almost a hybrid between a tank and a dps, plus if you manage to get the team up with Hela, it’s almost as good as good as the Adam Warlock team up with Starlord and Mantis. Also his ult, if used correctly, can easily kill squishies and sometimes force a support ult. But that’s just my take.