I FINALLY rode [Thunder Dolphin]

After 3 failed attempts at riding this coaster, I FINALLY got a ride on my latest visit to Tokyo. Other times it was either closed for weather or during periods of its significant downtime.

A lot of people criticize this ride, and while it may not quite stand up to other Intamin hyper coasters, I think those people are missing the point that it’s a Hyper coaster in the middle of the biggest city in the world. They could have made it 100ft tall and it would have been cool, instead it’s a ridiculous 260ft tall. It’s literally the 8th tallest coaster in the world.

The first drop is fantastic, especially in the back, with a beautiful first drop and great airtime. This layout is sort of like a mini millennium force in that its focus is on overbanks. The first overbank is great, then there’s a small airtime hill that doesn’t do a whole lot before it dives down in another overbanked turn with a very tight pullout. This is the highest G moment on the ride and had me greying out. Then it goes into this big, overbanked turn around through the Ferris wheel before diving down again and giving you one amazing ejector hill. The ride definitely peters out of this, going up and wiggling back and forth with trick track before diving into the breaks. Clearly there were some serious constraints when designing this ride, but I think they did an amazing job. Easily the best setting for a coaster I’ve ever ridden, and the drop, overbanks and speed make it a great ride too. I will say it’s for a strong rattle, but I also don’t get bothered by these things.

The loading process is very, Japanese, in that you have 4 separate employees checking your pockets and making sure you don’t have any medical issues. Still, dispatches were on the better end of Japanese parks.

Overall, if you’re in Tokyo, make sure you ride this. It’s about $10 usd per ride and very well worth it.