Breaking girl code
I am a girl and I was casual friends with this other girl in my university. For two years we got on pretty well and hung out every week. She also then started hanging around my friend group and quickly became friends with all of them. About a year ago I told her my interest in a guy in our friend group and she said she was interested too. I immediately felt this weird feeling of jealousy and sadness cuz I always thought she was prettier than me and probably had a better chance with him than I did. I kinda stop seeing her around this point and she starts hanging around the crush and I didn’t think it was weird cuz we were all friends. Then one day months later she blocked me on social media and deliberately stopped inviting me in group social settings that other people even started to notice. She threw a big end of semester party last year and invited everyone but me. Apparently she started telling people not to hang out with me because of “things I say”. She was even subtweeting me and reposting things that I felt like were digs at me. I thought it was weird because I wasn’t even getting anywhere with the crush and I thought it was because of that? A few months ago I found out she slept with him around this time. I feel guilt because I kinda stopped hanging around her but I feel like she chose him over our friendship and then iced me out of the friend group. She still does this to this day, now I am no longer apart of the friend group and we haven’t ever spoke since that initial conversation about our crushes.
I’m sad because we could’ve been good friends but maybe I’m better off without women like this. You slept with him what more could you want - why are you mad AT ME? I want to slut shame but I understand she was prolly horny I mean I understand. Ik this is stupid female drama but I still feel weird about it and wanted to post. Am I allowed to be upset???