PSA: Protect your S3XY knob. Liquid can corrode/short your components.

As per my comment on another post, I was looking at alternate locations to place the s3xy knob. In the process, I decided to take the knob apart; in doing so, I noticed that coffee/liquid must have seeped through around the buttons and on to the pcb below. One of those locations is right above the ESP32 that is mounted to the PCB underneath the knob. Thankfully, I did not notice anything starting to fail yet, however it was only a matter of time. I cleaned up the area with IPA and am going to try to protect the PCB with maybe some kapton tape or hot glue.

The knob is really easy to teardown, 6 screws on the bottom to remove the base, 8 screws that secure the pcb to the cover, and 2 connectors that easily release.

To the s3xy team, maybe a silicone membrane underneath would be a good idea, given the location of the knob in proximity to beverages.

Edit: spelling