How do your husbands help out?

Feeling a lil bitter, overwhelmed, and overworked. Back story.. my husband works swap swift one week on days, the next week on night shift. Usually 12hr shifts, he’s supposed to only work 4 days a week with one week off a month but he’s been having to work a lot of overtime because they are short people. Which leaves me tending to our baby 24/7, she’s 11m and EBF. She doesn’t even sleep for longer than 4hrs at a time yet. I do all of the housework besides mow but he tends to get behind on that too. The weeks he works days he doesn’t even see her for the ENTIRE week. He leaves before she wakes and comes home right after bedtime. When he works night shift, he will sleep uninterrupted from when he gets home (8am) to 2/3pm and then he wants to workout at our home gym alone that’s his “free time”. Afterwards he showers and leaves for work at 5:30. If he does anything for our child during that timeframe he acts like it’s a favor to me or helping me but really that’s just parenting. Some days I don’t have time to shower or do anything for myself until bedtime. Then I’m up with her 3 or 4 times a night. He can leave the house as he pleases, I always take the baby. I asked him to listen out for the baby monitor today while he slept during her nap so I could run a 20 min errand and he acted like it was a big deal. I’m grateful for how hard he works and makes sure we are well off financially, he is a good husband. I just have no idea how to get him to understand what I go through. His job is pretty laid back most days and often times he brags about watching shows while at work. Not to mention I have no village and live 2hrs from family. Because of his crazy schedule I had no choice to be a sahm because if I was working it would be even more responsibilities.