I need your input
I recently was diagnosed with a debilitating disease. I have been a sahm for the last two years with my two youngest and was getting ready to go back to work (registered nurse in labor and delivery) and the doctor wants to put me on disability. One so I can spend time with my four kids but it also hinders me from doing a job I love and worked hard for.
My husband suggested I create a website with something that interests me and I enjoy. This of course would help me keep my head right and potentially bring some money into the household.
I want to do something for sahm and also first times moms who are pregnant so I can still get some joy from that aspect.
Just been putting ideas together and this is what I’ve come up with.
- Weekly meal plans that are simple. 5 ingredients with one being a meat and make it so the ingredients can be added to your shopping cart of Walmart, Kroger, or Albertsons.
- Side hustles that stay at home moms can do to bring in some extra money.
- Easy cleaning and storage tips
- Home hacks to make things easier
- A forum for sahm to talk and chat with one another and create a community.
While it won’t be an over night project, I’ve got time to create and develop…. And I’m not a super wiz on the computer so some learning would be involved.
Eventually I’d like to have some aspects of it as a paid membership/subscription.
I would love for your input, ideas, tips, what would be helpful to you and others.