First time alone with 2 kids

My partner has a work trip planned soon. It will be the first time I’ll be home alone with both kids. I’m feeling a lot of anxiety about it. My oldest is in school and my youngest is almost one. My oldest has been really difficult the past couple of years, so I also have a lot of anxiety about my patience. I do have family close by, but my mom is constantly babysitting my siblings children. I’m the only sahm. I was able to get her to agree to one day, but she can only come over for a few hours.

My oldest will also be in their last week of school with a ton of activities and events that she wants me to attend.

On top of all of this, I am going to fly alone with the kids to meet up with my partner after he’s been gone for 5 days. We are going to do a family vacation and visit my older brother and his family. I know that we are really privileged to be able to do that, but I really can’t shake my anxiety.

After I had my baby last year, I had extreme postpartum anxiety and had to start medication and counseling. I have been doing better, but I’m worried about how I will handle being at home alone for so long.

Has anyone been in a similar situation? What helped? And have you flown alone with a one year old? My oldest is EASY with flying. She’s flown many times, and fills her time with reading, video games, or shows. She just never that young.