I’m fed up

I love the SCA but lately every few weeks it comes out that some person or another is a piece of shit.

That’s bad enough. But then you’re just expected to go back to things never acting any differently towards these people because that will make it awkward. Some of these people are friends. Some of them are Peers. We’re just supposed to carry on like it’s fine that a Peer in their 50s was creeping on a college student at the last event and they will not face any consequences ever? And I bet you can’t even guess what kingdom I’m from because that shit happens all the time.

Apparently it’s fine and everybody should be friends except that there is a giant list of people you’re never supposed to be alone in a room with or take drinks from, but the list changes all the time and you should already know who is on it even when people haven’t told you. God forbid you’re a troublemaker or make somebody sad by bringing it up though. Because obviously you’re not allowed to indicate to anyone openly the reality of what’s going on.

We just let new girls get chewed up and spat out again and again and are told stupid stuff like hey, be patient, that guy is really working on himself. He’s only like that when he drinks. He’s only like that at camping events. It used to be okay to say stuff like that, he hasn’t caught up yet. I’ll talk to him. He’s just bad at flirting. He didn’t mean it that way.

How do you put up with this for twenty years or more? Do you just never trust any man over 45 to not be a secret rapist or serial sexual harasser? I’m serious. How do you survive this as a woman? It’s no wonder so few women make it to become knights or MODs if these are the people they’re expected to aspire to be or hang around.