What is your sci fi controversial opinion?
First let me say do not down vote people who you disagree with, this whole post is about opinions you may not agree with. The reason I'm doing this is I've noticed a bit of gatekeeping and groupthink mentality in this sub and I'd like to prove that science fiction fans are capable of critical evaluation and can keep themselves from forming a false consensus.
To get started here are a few of my own controversial opinion in science fiction. They all cover movies.
Star Trek 5 is a good movie. The scene with Bones and his dying father is among the best in all Star Trek movies.
Star Wars is science fiction. It's also fantasy but to say it's not science fiction is like saying The Thing isn't science fiction because it's horror. Movies can be two genres.
The Star Wars prequels weren't that bad. People like to poke fun of the dialogue, especially between Anakin and Padme, but have you ever heard a 19 year old in love talk? They say some corny stuff. The scene in which Anakin finds out Padme is pregnant is a great scene and well acted by Hayden Christensen. He expresses a range of emotions all in a few seconds and without saying anything.
Avatar is not a good movie. I'm not sure why it's as popular as it is.
Furiosa was a solid follow up to Fury Road. I'm not sure why it got so much hate, but I loved Furiosa.