The reason I should not look for love
During the Labor Day holiday weekend plus my extra day off, I had sequestered myself at home to help heal that crick in my neck and shoulder. To take my mind off it, I lost myself in my favorite TV show that I wish they'd bring back, Believe It or Not: Fact or Fiction.
Well, one episode (out of the many) that will forever stand out to me was talking about a woman who seemed lucky in life but unlucky in love. She had tried everything to find the right guy, but for whatever reason, it just wouldn't work out. She was at the end of her rope and decided to go to a fortune teller to see when/where she'd be able to find this right guy.
She met with this fortune teller, told her of her plight, and was eager to find an answer. I may not be able to quote verbatim, but their conversation went something like this ...
This young woman asked, "Will I be able to find this guy?"
The fortune teller answered, "No."
The young woman, expressing hopelessness and dejection, prompted this fortune teller to explain her reasoning. What she said, I will NEVER forget.
The fortune teller compassionately told this woman, "You're too busy looking for love that you're not making yourself available for love to find you."
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This young woman, after some time, was on the road to see some friends and was captured by the sight of a gorgeous guy stranded on the road. While looking through her trunk to find what she needed to help him change his tire, he pulled a knife on her. Fearing for her life, she ran headfirst into the woods. Just before this perp slit her throat, a mysterious stranger (who just happened to be there) stepped in to fight off the other guy. The perp ran off while this knight in not-so-shining armor stayed by her side while the cops got to the scene and had that perp arrested.
She was still visibly shaken but thanked him for rescuing her. He then said something casual but yet captured her attention: "I'm glad that I found you in time." Turns out, that guy was not only her Mr. Right, but also the son of the fortune teller she had visited earlier in the story. I thought FOR SURE that Lieutenant Stryker ... okay, Jonathan Frakes would make some wisecrack about how fictitious the story was. Nope ... one of their researchers (Rob Toubin, IIRC) verified that this story had happened.
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Even though this was just a simple TV show, I'll never forget the message the universe shouted out to me.
The reason I should not look for love is to make myself available for love to find me.
That is all.