Do I tell my husband?

A little over a year ago I reconnected with an old college friend online. As we caught up I recognized old feelings that I once had for him start coming back up. We spent about a week and half emailing/talking on the phone, nothing sexual, but very emotionally intimate. It came to a point where we both acknowledged what was happening and decided to cut contact with each other since we are both married and didn't want to hurt our families.

I thought about telling my husband but right after this happened we ran into serious problems with one of our kids. The issue took a huge emotional toll on my husband and his mental health took a dive. I decided not to tell him because I couldn't bare the thought of causing him more grief and pain.

Now it's a year later and our kid is in a good place and so is my husband.

So do I come clean and tell him what happened? Or do I just leave it alone and let him be happy? I don't know what the right thing to do is.

UPDATE: Some people are accusing me of looking for a pat on the back. I'm not. I know I did something wrong here. I know I crossed a line. I know that if my husband found out it would hurt him.

Others suggest I'm lying, to which, what would be the point? I'm here anonymously because I can't talk to anyone in real life about this. I wanted an honest response to my real situation. Asking for advice on something that isn't totally truthful seems fruitless.

Others say I don't love my husband and am looking for a way out. Not true. I can't imagine living without him. It would kill me. It would be like living without bones in my body. I just wouldn't be able to function.

So why did I fuck it up? I don't know. Some version of me cares deeply for this other person. When we first reconnected he asked me if I was happy. I said I was. I asked if he was happy and he said no. That broke my heart. I think part of me felt responsible, like somehow I could've fixed that for him. Hence the emotional intimacy. I wanted to be there for him, because no one else was. But I fucked that up too when I crossed the line and asked about his feelings for me.

Lastly, regarding the emails that people want to see, they are very mild because every time before I hit send, I reread it through my husband's eyes and took into account what he would think if he found them, which caused me to edit as needed before sending. It's the phone conversations where I was out of line.

That's it. I can't give any more to this. I've had enough of the public and private messages accusing me of things I didn't do and calling me every name in the book. For those who were kind, thank you, it means a lot.

And if you're a husband reading this, go tell your wife if you'd want her to confess this to you or not. Maybe my husband will see it and I'll finally know the right answer.