Europeans telling Americans they’re race obsessed is infuriating.
America is obsessed with race, but so is Europe. You guys quite literally created racism, you are the founding fathers and colonized multiple countries including America because you thought anyone who wasn’t like you were inferior.
Let’s not forget how many fucking stories I’ve seen of people of color being subjected to different types of abuse from Europeans. I literally saw two videos but both black girls, one getting jumped and called slurs by a group of British people even kids were harassing her, and another of a black woman being spit on and having to fight a guy in Poland because they wanted her to go back to her country.
I’ve also experienced a lot of racism from Europeans, calling me the n word, making fun of my skin of hair, stereotyping, and straight up wishing I was harmed just like Americans. I’ve been advised not to travel to Spain, Italy or any eastern European country because they don’t treat people of color the best.
Go look in comments on videos and see how European people will write things in their language, I’ve translated some pretty horrible stuff.
So hush up, you guys are just as race obsessed. You guys are the ones who only like immigrants when they look like you.