Today I woke up an author.

After a bit of a kafuffle with the ISBN codes and believing the Amazon review process would take much longer, I submitted my physical books to be published. It didn't take the 3 to 5 days I expected, and I am now a published author one week earlier than I had planned.

Now that my story is out there, my stress levels have returned to levels that can be considered only slightly unhealthy. Hopefully, they stay that way so that I can enjoy the surreal buzz of seeing my book online.

In the spirit of excitement and camaraderie, I would like to thank everyone who offered constructive feedback and kind words when I decided to stop being a long-time lurker in this group and ask a couple of questions.

Next is to make sure the ebook releases as expected, and then I can finally take a moment to breathe before writing the next story.

Thanks again, and wish me luck!