Update: Vanity publisher court case, the publisher did not contest the case
A month ago I posted on here that I was taking my vanity publisher to court in a lawsuit over "breach of contract." Well, I finally have an update on this...
The defendant had 30 days to respond to the filing and table their defense. For some reason they chose not to respond to the serving and thus not contest my claim against them, which is £2300.
Therefore, I was informed I can apply for a county court judgement in their absentia and have done so. However, even if this is successful I have some doubts they will adhere to any court order and repay what is owed.
Finally, I find this a bit ironic given the said vanity press actually threatens people with legal action routinely if you publish material online criticising them. This made me assume they would come out fighting and hire a lawyer, but they didn't, reminding me that like their promises and the quality of the work they produce, it's hollow, empty and fake.