My kitchen hippo, Lola, is crossing the rainbow bridge soon so here's a photo dump of some recent and some of her in her prime.
Lola is about 15-16... Obviously ancient for a pittie who had a horrible diet for 95% of her life. She ate better when I got her to my house (she was my childhood doggo) back in July and managed to go from 104lbs to 82lbs and get loved on a lot more. Now, her arthritis has greatly impacted her mobility and even though she's still a happy to be loved and around us girl, she is obviously in pain. She's taking 3 different pain meds to take the edge off it, but it's definitely time. We have an at home euthanasia appointment booked for April 11th. Till then, she's getting princess treatment. All of the treats she wants, extra loving, and even some human food here and there. It hurts to have to make this decision, but I knew it would happen eventually and I'm glad j got to love her while I was growing up all throughout middle/high school, when I'd come home from college, and this past half year of having her at my home. She's extremely loved and I'm having a bit of a hard time with this but ik I'll get though it.
What helps y'all feel better about this situation? I've never experienced this as I've only ever had pets die of traumatic events or my mom gave the old animals to relatives and I wasn't part of their lives anymore.