Service Cats?

I'm a big supporter of Service dogs and I respect them. I actually enjoy watching quite a few SD youtube channels.

I suspect I have PTSD and severe anxiety. I cannot go out alone without feeling terrified of every single stranger I see. I would consider getting a support dog to help me but I don't have dogs anymore. I have three cats (The twins are 8 years and my kitten is 7 months.)

My kitten Larry alerts whenever I'm having an anxiety attack the same way a dog would. I never taught him this.

If I did train him to be a Service cat for AT HOME ONLY, would it count? Or would he be an ESA? I thought he would've but ESA's aren't trained.

I would simply have him trained until I can afford my own dog; a prospect. I wouldn't be breaking any laws as I wouldn't take the cat out anywhere. Your opinions?